We are looking for new photos for our March 2010 covershot contest.
Send them into today to
1. The photos need to be your own original work.
2. They need to be at least 3 megapixel or larger.
3. They can be photoshopped.
ENTRY DEADLINE: February 1st, 2010
A Little Bit About Us

- The Edge Magazine
- Neola, Utah, United States
- The Edge Magazine is a lifestyles and culture magazine about the Uintah Basin. We are located in the North-East corner of Utah and we have a TON of fun doing what we do. We feature the positive aspects of the area in which we live with monthly articles, contests, and best of all...PHOTOGRAPHY! We pride ourselves on being able to provide most everyone in your family something that will interest them in the pages of our magazine. We are in our 3rd year of publication and each month keeps getting better and better! We live here, we work here, we love being here and we look forward to seeing you on THE EDGE!