By: Shallin Squire

Yes, I have noticed that the delectable liquid is becoming available earlier each year, but for some reason, it doesn't taste the same when poured from a carton with a witch on it, so I try to hold out on buying and consuming the high-calorie deliciousness until Christmastime. This year I discovered the vanilla spice and the sugar cookie flavors, and I'm convinced they are the preferred drink in heaven! Mmmmmm…
9. Kids counting down. You don't need an advent calendar if you're a mom or a school teacher because you'll be asked several times each day how many days (or "sleeps", as they are fondly called in some readers' homes) until the official day. As an adult, I love the season more than the day itself, but I don't mind the countdown. For some teachers, though, the excitement at Christmastime is practically tangible, and it's harder to tame than spring fever at the end of the school year!
8. "Wise men still seek Him." No offense intended to anyone of another or no religion, but like the wise men in the nativity story, my heart naturally seeks Christ at Christmastime. He is the center of Christmas in our home as we strive to better know Him and act as He would.
7. The dinosaur dons his Santa suit. Seven-year-old Garrison Spencer was thoroughly disgusted when he noticed that his favorite dinosaur in Vernal wasn't dressed in his usual pilgrim ensemble in mid-November, and he'll be disappointed beyond description if the dino has misplaced his Santa outfit as well!
6. Street lamp décor. Personally, I'm partial to the snowflakes in Roosevelt!
5. Pine trees tied creatively to the tops of vehicles of all sizes and shapes. The first couple of years after I got married, I grumbled about the Squire family tradition of cutting their own Christmas trees. I was accustomed to perfect trees from the tree farm, and for some reason, I didn't appreciate traipsing about the dusty (not snowy!) hillsides of BLM land in search of the not-so-perfect Christmas tree. Something about the tradition has grown on me, though, and I wouldn't miss the annual expedition for anything, nor would I trade in my beloved, imperfect tree for one from a tree farm. Seeing a Christmas tree atop a vehicle traveling on a Basin roadway gives me a warm, tingly feeling. If you think that sounds crazy, you've never cut your own tree, or at least you didn't try it enough consecutive years to learn to love it!
4. "Jack Frost nipping on your nose." It sounds so elegant when sandwiched between imagery like "chestnuts roasting on an open fire" and "tiny tots with their eyes all aglow." However, when out and about in the Basin, you're probably more likely to hear, "It's friggin' cold!" On a positive note, the bitter cold is a perfect excuse to build a fire, "get your Snuggie on" (as Jenn Rook delightfully explained in a previous issue of The Edge), and sip homemade hot cocoa or wassail.
3. Community events that have become cherished family traditions. For the Guymon family of Roosevelt, it's the Holly Fair, held early in November, that heralds the beginning of the Christmas season and permits the playing of Christmas music. Vernal Holly Days and Trees for Charity, the live nativity in Ioka, the Enchanted Forest, and the community Messiah concert in Roosevelt also usher the Christmas Spirit into the Basin.
2. As much as I hate to emphasize a sadder note…Longing for loved ones missed.
Servicemen abroad; missionaries in distant lands; students, newlyweds, and other family members and dear friends with inadequate funds for plane tickets; winter storms that prevent travel; and especially loved ones who've passed on are sorely missed at Christmastime. Fortunately, I've observed that in the Basin, the majority of people deal with the void by reaching out to someone who is even lonelier than they are.
A big thanks goes out from the staff at The Edge to those who are serving our country and laboring to preserve our freedoms as well as to their families who are missing them during this special time of year.
1.Officers in uniform shopping with children, sub-for-Santa trees with all the names taken, and other evidence that we live among generous folks. Basinites are exceptionally generous toward their neighbors who've fallen on hard times. My friend Rachelle told me how she remembers one year as a small child when she received 2 dolls for Christmas and her younger brother 2 trucks. That was all they got, and after they opened the 4 gifts, their parents told them to choose 1 of the items to give to a needy family nearby. They each chose 1 of their toys, got in the car with their parents, drove to the home of a family with even less money than they had, and delivered 1 truck and 1 doll. I believe there are businesses, families, and individuals making great sacrifices to see that children and their families are cared for at Christmastime.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and/or a warm December 2011 to all our readers from The Edge Magazine
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